English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek verwys die woord "appel" na 'n ronde vrug met blink rooi of groen skil, 'n ferm wit vleis en 'n kern wat sade bevat. Dit is 'n lid van die roosfamilie en is 'n gewilde vrug wat algemeen rou geëet, gekook of in nageregte en ander geregte gebruik word. Die woord "appel" kan ook as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word om dinge te beskryf wat met appels lyk of geassosieer word, soos die kleur van 'n voorwerp.

Sentence Examples

  1. Otherwise, the pack held only an apple and a scarf.
  2. She settled down next to me like an apple blossom fluttering to the ground.
  3. He was busy brushing down Sir Brown Horse and giving him the remains of a half-eaten apple.
  4. He took the apple from the girl, passing over two dollars.
  5. As I approached the house, I could see Abit sitting at the table, talking to his mother, finishing off a piece of apple pie.
  6. Plus three-inch high biscuits and an apple crumble.
  7. She was having a bowl of Bircher muesli with lean yogurt, crushed walnuts, dried fruit and a grated apple.
  8. To the sides, white matching end tables, despite their obvious expense, looked like up-ended apple crates.
  9. There he saw dazzling camellias expanding themselves, with flowers which were giving forth their last colours and perfumes, not on bushes, but on trees, and within bamboo enclosures, cherry, plum, and apple trees, which the Japanese cultivate rather for their blossoms than their fruit, and which queerly-fashioned, grinning scarecrows protected from the sparrows, pigeons, ravens, and other voracious birds.
  10. Hawke tossed me an apple from the supplies he had scavenged, and I bit into it eagerly.