English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aanhangsel" is 'n deel of uitbreiding wat aan iets groter of belangriker verbind word, dikwels vir 'n spesifieke doel of funksie. Dit kan verwys na 'n fisiese liggaamsdeel, soos 'n ledemaat of 'n orgaan, of na 'n voorwerp wat vir 'n spesifieke doel aan 'n ander voorwerp geheg is, soos 'n gereedskap of 'n toestel. In 'n meer algemene sin kan dit ook verwys na 'n ondergeskikte of sekondêre deel of aspek van iets groter of meer kompleks.

Sentence Examples

  1. The appendage only alighted softly on my head, though, and he tousled my hair playfully.
  2. Its brain matter is spread through every appendage, making each one almost independent from the rest.
  3. After several agonizing seconds of sawing at the appendage, Scab gave a final wrenching pull and ripped the sword all the way across his arm, leaving a deep gash.
  4. Elden Duratti tells us that he cannot heal a dismembered appendage, but he can heal bruises and broken bones.
  5. Hawke took a few seconds to flex the fingers of his new appendage.
  6. It also happened to cross over a thin, finger-like appendage of Mueller Park Lake.
  7. Each writhing appendage was simply absorbed into the larger mass, but it seemed to hurt it.
  8. Katie tripped as a leg reached for her, and was sprayed with a hot blue liquid as Lucas cut into the appendage.
  9. She frowned at the appendage, willing it to be still.
  10. He got a good laugh out of my horrified face, stirring the burning pile with his hand a bit for good measure before finally extracting the appendage.