English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "appellasie" is 'n naam of titel waarmee iemand of iets bekend of aangedui word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n geografiese aanduiding of 'n wetlik gedefinieerde en beskermde geografiese aanduiding wat gebruik word om te identifiseer waar 'n spesifieke produk vandaan kom en die unieke eienskappe van daardie produk. Oor die algemeen word die term "benaming" gebruik om 'n spesifieke tipe naam of benaming aan te dui wat aan 'n persoon, plek of ding gegee word.

Sentence Examples

  1. But having here accidentally mentioned a minister of state, he commanded me some time after to inform him what species of yahoo I particularly meant by that appellation.
  2. When my fears and astonishment had in some degree subsided, I had little difficulty in supposing it to be some mighty volcanic fragment ejected from that world to which I was so rapidly approaching, and, in all probability, one of that singular class of substances occasionally picked up on the earth, and termed meteoric stones for want of a better appellation.
  3. I reached the age of twenty-nine without loving, for none of the feelings I before then experienced merit the appellation of love.
  4. Blooder, as I mentioned before, is the correct appellation for a vampire.
  5. To be sure there were, in Syria and other countries, sixteen cities of that appellation, besides the one to which I more particularly allude.
  6. I expressed my uneasiness at his giving me so often the appellation of yahoo, an odious animal, for which I had so utter a hatred and contempt I begged he would forbear applying that word to me, and take the same order in his family and among his friends whom he suffered to see me.
  7. I said I had not, and desired he would explain to me what he meant by such an appellation applied to a mortal creature.
  8. How can she find any appellation for them, deep enough in familiar vulgarity?