English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "afvallige" is 'n persoon wat 'n godsdienstige of politieke oortuiging of beginsel verloën of laat vaar. 'n Afvallige is iemand wat eens 'n sekere oortuiging of ideologie gehad het, maar dit sedertdien verwerp of laat vaar het. Die term word dikwels in 'n negatiewe konnotasie gebruik, wat impliseer dat die persoon 'n verraaier of verraaier van hul vorige oortuigings is.

Sentence Examples

  1. even though in the eyes of my kind, both brothers and sisters of the order, I am an apostate.
  2. Malus Apostate meant someone who not only renounced his beliefs, but actively wished to destroy, permanently and forever, the religion itself!
  3. Officially, the monks could truthfully say they had not conversed with a Malus Apostate.
  4. Too old to be in league with a Malus Apostate monk.
  5. Who would ever imagine a Malus Apostate, along with the dragon princess, and an old Niscian monk and two young boys, would ever consider journeying into the heart of his most fanatical of foes?