English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van apatie is 'n gebrek aan belangstelling, entoesiasme of besorgdheid oor iets. Dit kan ook beskryf word as 'n toestand van onverskilligheid of emosionele gevoelloosheid teenoor 'n spesifieke situasie of kwessie.

Sentence Examples

  1. The apathy made me move in slow motion, even though I knew exactly what the feeling was and what was causing it.
  2. So as your review of my work escalated into the apathy of my generation and the inevitable demise of the morality of our country, I decided I would never again seek your opinion.
  3. I thought I would find out if his apathy were real or only assumed, and tried to lead him to talk of his pets, a theme which had never failed to excite his attention.
  4. Maximilian, who was paying them a visit, listened to their conversation, or rather was present at it, plunged in his accustomed state of apathy.
  5. But the task would exceed our prerogatives and, as history, like love, is so apt to surround her heroes with an atmosphere of imaginary brightness, it is probable that Louis de Saint Veran will be viewed by posterity only as the gallant defender of his country, while his cruel apathy on the shores of the Oswego and of the Horican will be forgotten.
  6. Munro had again sunk into that sort of apathy which had beset him since his late overwhelming misfortunes, and from which he was apparently to be roused only by some new and powerful excitement.
  7. When she opened her eyes and remembered where she was, the rage that filled her quickly dissipated into apathy.
  8. But all I could feel was a slow, foggy apathy that kept me standing still, arms hanging at my sides, without even needing the encouragement of the swirling air.
  9. On every side the captured were flying before their relentless persecutors, while the armed columns of the Christian king stood fast in an apathy which has never been explained, and which has left an immovable blot on the otherwise fair escutcheon of their leader.
  10. It was distinctly proved that no apathy, such as was imagined, existed that the old lady was exceedingly feeble, and so agitated as to be unable to attend to any duty, that St.