English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "angs" is 'n gevoel van bekommernis, senuweeagtigheid of ongemak oor iets met 'n onsekere uitkoms. Dit gaan dikwels gepaard met fisiese simptome soos sweet, bewing of vinnige hartklop. Angs kan 'n normale menslike emosie wees in reaksie op stresvolle situasies, maar dit kan ook 'n mediese toestand wees wanneer dit gereeld voorkom en met die daaglikse lewe inmeng.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hundreds of questions raced through his mind, but more than anything, anxiety and dread threatened to consume him.
  2. I wished like crazy I could tell Jessica about my premonitions, but I was still experiencing unexplained bouts of anxiety about it, and that always stopped me short.
  3. It was the roof all over again, sans the incredible array of stars, and we kept bickering at each other, hoping our anger would keep the sick anxiety of that memory from consuming us.
  4. His mind fraught with anxiety, Jed whirled and left without a word as his fellow Venators emerged.
  5. A ball of anxiety rolled around in the pit of my stomach.
  6. Her hazel eyes shifted and filled with wild anxiety.
  7. Paranoia and anxiety plagued him and the nightmares of the shadow-woman with purple eyes haunted his sleep more and more.
  8. Three anxiety ridden days after the attack, Evan found Elijah and Jed before training and asked them to gather all of their friends, and Cera too.
  9. I lean forward and hang my head in my hands, trying to still the anxiety.
  10. A wave of anxiety and self-recrimination washes through me.