English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "antibiotikum" is:"wat verband hou met of stowwe aandui wat in staat is om die groei van mikroörganismes, veral bakterieë, te vernietig of te inhibeer." Met ander woorde, 'n antibiotika is 'n tipe medikasie wat gebruik word om bakteriële infeksies te behandel. Antibiotika werk deur óf die bakterieë dood te maak óf hul groei en voortplanting te stop. Hulle word algemeen gebruik om 'n wye reeks infeksies te behandel, insluitend urienweginfeksies, respiratoriese infeksies, velinfeksies en oorinfeksies, onder andere. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat antibiotika nie effektief is teen virale infeksies, soos verkoue of griep nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. She said to take the antibiotic with food and to be careful with the painkillers since you have a concussion.
  2. Sometimes, they had a bad reaction to the antibiotic.
  3. We had just administered the Cure to a new batch of people and they were sleeping off the sedative while the antibiotic did its job.
  4. We know you stole a sample from your own partner in order to develop a bacteria completely impervious to any antibiotic, before you even finished testing the weaker version and against the strenuous objection of Robert Pazzo.
  5. Larger people may not be sedated enough and it will still take three days for their brain activity to return to normal as the antibiotic works.
  6. If not, I hope this record and our data will help someone develop an effective antibiotic quickly.
  7. Schneider became more vigorous in applying antibiotic cream onto her shoulder.
  8. Doc retrieved a syringe and an antibiotic from his bag and gave Mario a shot in his other arm.
  9. Mario told her the color of the antibiotic vials, since they were different than the serum vials.
  10. At last, we have chosen a weak strain of antibiotic resistant streptococcus.