English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "annum" is 'n Latynse term wat "jaar" beteken. Dit word dikwels in die konteks van finansiƫle sake gebruik om te verwys na iets wat op 'n jaarlikse basis voorkom, soos 'n rentekoers of 'n salaris. Byvoorbeeld, as iemand 'n jaarlikse salaris van $50 000 het, beteken dit dat hulle $50 000 per jaar of per jaar verdien.

Sentence Examples

  1. Can I not, like Pasta, Malibran, Grisi, acquire for myself what you would never have given me, whatever might have been your fortune, a hundred or a hundred and fifty thousand livres per annum, for which I shall be indebted to no one but myself and which, instead of being given as you gave me those poor twelve thousand francs, with sour looks and reproaches for my prodigality, will be accompanied with acclamations, with bravos, and with flowers?
  2. Andrea, on whose arm hung one of the most consummate dandies of the Opera, was explaining to him rather cleverly, since he was obliged to be bold to appear at ease, his future projects, and the new luxuries he meant to introduce to Parisian fashions with his hundred and seventy-five thousand livres per annum.