English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geanimeerd" is om lewe of energie aan iets te gee, of om iets te laat lyk asof dit lewendig of beweeg. Dit kan ook verwys na lewendig, geesdriftig of vol entoesiasme.


  1. alive

Sentence Examples

  1. Excited, animated voices headed toward him from one of the tunnels.
  2. I watched them interact for a few minutes, and as the time passed, their discussion grew increasingly animated.
  3. The slumbering multitude became animated, the tambourines sounded, songs and cries arose the hour of the sacrifice had come.
  4. A great deal of it was mind talking, but Tarkyn did not ask to be updated or included and was content to sit quietly among the animated woodfolk.
  5. Little by little the scene on the quay became more animated sailors of various nations, merchants, ship-brokers, porters, fellahs, bustled to and fro as if the steamer were immediately expected.
  6. Another reproduced the most singular combinations with a spinning-top in his hands the revolving tops seemed to be animated with a life of their own in their interminable whirling they ran over pipe-stems, the edges of sabres, wires and even hairs stretched across the stage they turned around on the edges of large glasses, crossed bamboo ladders, dispersed into all the corners, and produced strange musical effects by the combination of their various pitches of tone.
  7. Slowly, around the firesite, the odd conversation started up and soon the air was filled with animated chatter as the woodfolk digested what had just happened.
  8. I watched her through the windshield as she waved her arms in an animated fashion.
  9. And everywhere he could see animated knots of people standing and talking in the morning sunshine, arms waving in graphic description.
  10. Venturing a glance over his shoulder, he saw Stowley talking to Miss Wyland in animated tones, her attention focused on the captain.