English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kwaad" is om 'n sterk gevoel van ergernis, misnoeë of vyandigheid te hê as gevolg van iets wat as onregverdig, verkeerd of irriterend beskou word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n persoon wat woede voel of toon, of 'n situasie of voorwerp wat woede uitlok.

Sentence Examples

  1. The man looked angry, pushing branches out of his way as he charged toward us.
  2. TB starts to speak but I throw up an angry finger in his face.
  3. An angry wind roars up the valley, flinging the rain at everything in its path, slamming the unlatched shutters closed, narrowly missing pinching my fingers.
  4. How she pretended to be angry when I let slip to Lolita that Celestino was the artist when she was leading me to make that divulgence all along.
  5. When I stepped out on to the landing, I noticed the sun had dropped behind the mountains, carving the sky with angry slashes of purple.
  6. The wyvern screeched, angry its prey was escaping, and struck out.
  7. As I pulled into a parking space, the beep of a horn and an angry shout drew my attention.
  8. Jose Saramago Celestino The ocean heaves to its own pulse, angry and insistent, forcing its bulk against the rock my wet and salty companion, silent, even as it roars.
  9. Every now and then I feel angry with him for putting me through it all.
  10. But it was still eight feet tall, covered in thick armour, and angry as hell.

TV Series Examples



for being angry with your wife?