English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "analise" verwys na die proses om iets in sy verskillende dele of komponente af te breek om dit beter te verstaan. Dit is 'n gedetailleerde ondersoek en evaluering van 'n onderwerp of 'n situasie, wat gewoonlik 'n noukeurige studie van die individuele dele, kenmerke en kenmerke daarvan behels. Oor die algemeen is analise 'n metodiese en sistematiese benadering om iets te verstaan deur dit in sy samestellende dele af te breek en elke deel in detail te bestudeer. Dit word algemeen gebruik in velde soos wetenskap, wiskunde, ekonomie en sosiale wetenskappe, onder andere.

Sentence Examples

  1. The mental features discoursed of as the analytical, are, in themselves, but little susceptible of analysis.
  2. What resources of imagination, construction, analysis and absolute art!
  3. This analysis of yours goes nowhere beyond these four walls.
  4. In the final analysis, the island is so small it can barely contain the influx, but I also think the various interested parties manage the situation well.
  5. Both are, in truth, the natural results of the predominating quality of his mind, to which we have before alluded, analysis.
  6. Beyond doubt there is nothing of a similar nature so greatly tasking the faculty of analysis.
  7. Unerring in his analysis of dictions, metres and plots, he seemed wanting in the faculty of perceiving the profounder ethics of art.
  8. Poe has two of the prime qualities of genius, a faculty of vigorous yet minute analysis, and a wonderful fecundity of imagination.
  9. The analytical power should not be confounded with ample ingenuity for while the analyst is necessarily ingenious, the ingenious man is often remarkably incapable of analysis.
  10. The faculty of re-solution is possibly much invigorated by mathematical study, and especially by that highest branch of it which, unjustly, and merely on account of its retrograde operations, has been called, as if par excellence, analysis.