English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "vriendskap" is 'n vriendelike en vreedsame verhouding tussen mense, organisasies of lande. Dit verwys na 'n toestand van wedersydse begrip, welwillendheid en samewerking. Die term word dikwels gebruik om 'n harmonieuse en wedersyds voordelige verhouding tussen individue of groepe te beskryf wat andersins verskil in terme van kultuur, nasionaliteit of ideologie. Vriendskap kan ook verwys na die afwesigheid van konflik of vyandigheid in 'n gegewe situasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. When in full view of the Delawares he stopped, and made a gesture of amity, by throwing his arm upward toward heaven, and then letting it fall impressively on his breast.
  2. The envoy further added, that in order to maintain the peace and amity between both empires, his master expected that his brother of Blefuscu would give orders to have me sent back to Lilliput, bound hand and foot, to be punished as a traitor.
  3. It did assist for though he began with grave looks and short questions, he was soon led on to talk of them all in the usual way, and to take the child out of her arms with all the unceremoniousness of perfect amity.
  4. Every line that could possibly be interpreted into a secret inclination for war, was carefully avoided while, on the other hand, he studied those conceits that might be construed into amity.
  5. They are strangers to bridle and saddle they live in great amity with me, and friendship to each other.