English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ambisieus" is om 'n sterk begeerte en vasberadenheid te hê om te slaag of iets te bereik, wat dikwels inspanning, vaardigheid of harde werk vereis. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n persoon wat gedrewe en vasbeslote is om hul doelwitte te bereik, selfs al is dit moeilik of verg baie moeite. In sommige gevalle kan dit as 'ambisieus' beskryf word as 'n positiewe eienskap wat iemand se toewyding en hardwerkende aard weerspieël, terwyl dit in ander gevalle as 'n negatiewe eienskap gesien kan word, wat daarop dui dat iemand te veel op hul eie sukses gefokus is ten koste van ander.

Sentence Examples

  1. He reasoned that they were not even ambitious enough to gossip.
  2. Helen Schaeffer, a blonde and ambitious thirtysomething newswoman for a local TV station hurried over to Ryan and Gibson with her cameraman in tow.
  3. An ambitious crusader like Ryan might just risk his neck and career to break the silence and win a cache of political spoils.
  4. It was an ambitious hike from Ebberston but well worth the effort.
  5. They were ambitious, and Cæsar Borgia soon found purchasers for their appointments.
  6. It was an incredibly ambitious, but logical, plan with many political and economic hurdles to overcome.
  7. Are you ambitious, and do you seek after the greatnesses of the earth?
  8. Julius Cæsar, the boldest, wisest, and bravest of captains, was charged with being ambitious, and not particularly cleanly in his dress, or pure in his morals.
  9. When self-righteous and ambitious men like King Dagle come to power, it results in war.
  10. We drew detailed plans in the mud, and our ambitious sketch included a generous porch, peaked roof, and a swinging saloon door.