English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ambisie" is:selfstandige naamwoord:'n Sterk begeerte of vasberadenheid om sukses, mag, rykdom, roem te behaal , of 'n bepaalde doelwit. Voorbeeldsin: Haar ambisie was om 'n suksesvolle entrepreneur te word en 'n verskil in die wêreld te maak.'n Ernstige en gretige begeerte na prestasie, eer of erkenning. Voorbeeldsin: Hy het sy ambisie nagejaag om 'n bekende wetenskaplike te word met onwrikbare vasberadenheid.Die objek of doelwit van 'n mens se begeerte, aspirasie of strewe. Voorbeeldsin: Haar ambisie was om Mount Everest te klim en die hoogste piek in die wêreld te verower.'n Strewe na meerderwaardigheid of meerderwaardigheid van prestasie. Voorbeeldsin: Sy ambisie het hom gedryf om uit te blink in sy studies en topgrade te behaal.Die kwaliteit van ambisieus wees, insluitend 'n gewilligheid om hard te werk, risiko's te neem en 'n mens s'n na te streef. doelwitte met vasberadenheid. Voorbeeldsin: Haar ambisie en dryfkrag het daartoe gelei dat sy talle struikelblokke oorkom en sukses in haar loopbaan behaal het.

Sentence Examples

  1. In keeping with this is what they relate of that shepherd who set fire to the famous temple of Diana, by repute one of the seven wonders of the world, and burned it with the sole object of making his name live in after ages and, though it was forbidden to name him, or mention his name by word of mouth or in writing, lest the object of his ambition should be attained, nevertheless it became known that he was called Erostratus.
  2. Richard had used his surname only in the note, and Harry quite reasonably believed he was being summoned by Robert for his sin of ambition.
  3. Harry, similarly placed by his own ambition, could not act.
  4. Those the soldier shows on his face and breast are stars that direct others to the heaven of honour and ambition of merited praise and moreover it is to be observed that it is not with grey hairs that one writes, but with the understanding, and that commonly improves with years.
  5. In short, I came to the conclusion that feeble love, little reflection, great ambition, and a craving for rank, had made her forget the words with which she had deceived me, encouraged and supported by my firm hopes and honourable passion.
  6. I rely on the Protestant cause, yes, but more than that, Henry, I rely on ambition.
  7. Wielding a sword in one hand and a spell in the other, a wild ambition had blazed in her lapis blue eyes.
  8. But more than poems, or pastorals, or novels, it was his dramatic ambition that engrossed his thoughts.
  9. Some take the broad road of overweening ambition others that of mean and servile flattery others that of deceitful hypocrisy, and some that of true religion but I, led by my star, follow the narrow path of knight-errantry, and in pursuit of that calling I despise wealth, but not honour.
  10. Everything she thought she had ever known about him was a lie, his ambition so much worse than she could have imagined.

TV Series Examples



A man with great ambition and no morals -