English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "toelaat" is om toestemming te gee vir of om iemand die reg te gee om iets te doen. Dit kan ook beteken om iets toe te staan, soos 'n versoek of geleentheid, of om iets te verdra of te aanvaar. Daarbenewens kan dit beteken om iets te erken of in ag te neem, soos in die frase "laat toe vir," wat beteken om plek te maak vir of om iets in ag te neem.

Sentence Examples

  1. I suddenly want to put as much space between myself and the looming lunch as the island will allow.
  2. Maintaining his independence would also allow him to pursue the leads he wanted to pursue.
  3. How could my mother, your father, and the Elders allow that to happen?
  4. Her freedom of movement was more restricted in such clothing, and she had to take care not to allow her overlarge sleeves to catch on something, but she would have to make do.
  5. His needs were modest, but his lower rent coupled with the slight increase in his wages would allow him to live more comfortably, and it was difficult to quibble with that.
  6. He held his breath for several long beats but refused to allow himself to relax when nothing more happened.
  7. He had to make a conscious effort to focus on Burl rather than allow his eyes to dart around what he could see of the enclave, searching for Cianne.
  8. Taking care not to allow the door to creak, she opened it wide enough for her to slip through it and pulled it shut behind her without making any noise.
  9. I drive at a steady pace, slowing to allow oncoming traffic to round a cluster of cyclists.
  10. I tried to think that somewhere inside him, deep down, there was something that would allow me to feel compassion for him, but at the moment, it alluded me.

TV Series Examples



l believe she will allow you



and we shall allow you



Allow me to return the courtesy.



How can l allow you to marry my son?