English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ale" is 'n soort alkoholiese drank wat uit gemoute gars, gis en water gebrou word en tipies teen 'n hoër temperatuur as laer gefermenteer word. Dit is 'n soort bier wat 'n donkerder kleur, 'n soeter smaak en 'n meer komplekse geurprofiel as laer het. Die woord "ale" kan ook verwys na die handeling om bier te drink of te bedien, of na 'n byeenkoms of partytjie waar bier bedien word. Daarbenewens kan "ale" gebruik word as 'n verkorte vorm van die vroulike voornaam "Alejandra" of "Alexandra".

Sentence Examples

  1. Jack scooped up the coins, added his own, and busied himself ordering ale.
  2. Kila had brought out some cool, weak ale for them to drink, and they gazed up at the stars as they recovered.
  3. A storm, lasting three days so far, had kept the boat he was to take to England tied securely in the harbour, leaving Jack to loiter in the ale houses of Dieppe, trying to amuse himself with his scant supply of coins.
  4. Jack recognised them for what they were, enough to pay for half a pitcher of ale.
  5. Jack waited, ready, while the other downed a jug of proffered ale.
  6. The area was studded with low-quality ale houses, frequented by the unfortunate, the unwitting, and the lawless, eager to relieve the insensible sailor of more than the cost of his ale.
  7. Jack was surprised to find how easy a companion Jamie was, and he talked freely as they shared the pitcher of warm ale.
  8. Flim took a long drink of her ale, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
  9. He was well enough acquainted with the game to know that holy orders would not bar the cleric from guzzling his ale at twice his own rate.

TV Series Examples



We've brought up eight barrels of ale