English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is 'n album 'n versameling opnames, foto's of ander items wat saamgevoeg en in 'n boek of soortgelyke formaat aangebied word.In die konteks van musiek, 'n album verwys gewoonlik na 'n versameling liedjies of instrumentale stukke wat saam deur 'n musikant of 'n groep musikante opgeneem en vrygestel word. In hierdie sin kan 'n album ook 'n "plaat" of 'n "CD" genoem word, afhangende van die formaat waarin dit vrygestel word.Die term "album" word ook gebruik om te verwys na 'n versameling van foto's, wat dikwels in 'n boek- of bindformaat aangebied word. In hierdie konteks kan 'n album geskep word om 'n spesifieke gebeurtenis of tydperk te dokumenteer, soos 'n troue, 'n vakansie of 'n familiegeskiedenis.

Sentence Examples

  1. Then John Fogerty did a song from his latest album.
  2. Narrowed in on the mate to the album she had borrowed on Saturday and reached for it.
  3. The soft cello music, piped in through speakers hidden in the lush potted plants that dotted the balcony, was familiar from an album I often played in the background back home when I needed to soothe my nerves.
  4. To prepare for my encounter with Frank on the first night of the term, I brought the photo album of his work, but Frank had dropped out.
  5. This posing at the piano and over the album was only a little ruse adopted by way of precaution.
  6. Oscar oversaw her loading the borrowed items into the Spider, along with a photo album from the study.
  7. Alyssa pulled out her old photo album from the bookshelf and brought it to her bed.
  8. Slim Whitman smiled wide beneath an Oil Can Harry mustache, strummed a left-handed guitar, and yodeled at me hawking a new TV album.
  9. She pulled up a Carlos Vives album on her phone and swayed her hips in rhythm as she set the rice to cook, adding some spice that turned it orange.
  10. She pulled the blue album off her bed, flipping it open.