English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van VIGS is soos volg:VIGS (selfstandige naamwoord) - Verworwe immuungebreksindroom, 'n siekte wat veroorsaak word deur die menslike immuniteitsgebrekvirus (MIV) wat die liggaam se immuunstelsel aanval en dit kwesbaar laat tot lewensgevaarlike infeksies en kankers. VIGS word tipies oorgedra deur seksuele kontak, die deel van naalde of spuite, en van moeder tot kind tydens swangerskap, bevalling of borsvoeding. Daar is tans geen geneesmiddel vir VIGS nie, maar antiretrovirale terapie kan help om die siekte te bestuur en oordrag te voorkom.


  1. acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Sentence Examples

  1. Consequently, the women were seeking satisfaction with other partners and causing the AIDS problem.
  2. Maybe it was what a society looks like when AIDS kills a huge proportion of the adults and produces a generation of orphans.
  3. It was well known that the major cause of the AIDS epidemic in Swaziland was multiple concurrent partners engaging in unprotected sex.
  4. The parliament was debating whether they could do anything to remedy this situation and reduce the rate of AIDS.
  5. Tell your friend that when that time you suck from my wound so swiftly the poison of the gangrene from that knife that our other friend, too nervous, let slip, you did more for him when he wants my aids and you call for them than all his great fortune could do.
  6. His bank had encouraged many of their retired employees to come back to work because so many of their productive younger workers had been lost to AIDS.
  7. The death rate from AIDS was of great concern to the government since it typically killed young adults in their most economically productive years and often left orphans behind.
  8. Jodi was deaf without her hearing aids, so I did my best to interpret.
  9. Although the AIDS epidemic threatened the country long-term, the weather had a more immediate impact on us.
  10. I cannot realise the fact that there can be anyone on earth now-a-days who aids widows, or protects maidens, or defends wives, or succours orphans nor should I believe it had I not seen it in your worship with my own eyes.