English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ooreenkoms" is:'n Wedersydse begrip of reëling tussen twee of meer partye met betrekking tot 'n spesifieke saak of kwessie.'n Kontrak of 'n formele dokument wat die bepalings en voorwaardes van 'n ooreenkoms tussen twee of meer partye uiteensit.Harmonie of ooreenstemming van mening, optrede of karakter; konsekwentheid of versoenbaarheid.Die daad om in te stem of tot 'n wedersydse begrip te kom.

Sentence Examples

  1. Carl nodded in agreement as Kayla turned the computer terminal back on.
  2. A miraculous agreement of the times of departure and arrival, which was impossible, was absolutely necessary to his success.
  3. By previous agreement, it falls to me to greet our visitors.
  4. The men, by some unspoken agreement, waited silently until I pulled myself together.
  5. The connection can only be severed by mutual agreement.
  6. Both of them were in agreement that it could be political suicide for Mary, and that she would have a hard time convincing Parliament that the alliance was a good one for England.
  7. The officers had grunted in agreement that they would stick together until rescue arrived.
  8. She nodded in agreement, quickly returning her eyes to James, who appeared to be taunting some girls who were sunbathing.
  9. As one, the Council members all bobbed their heads in agreement, which Kila found uncanny to the point of being creepy.
  10. He and several of the other men were in passionate agreement that it would mean Parliament and the Privy Council would be eradicated in favour of institutions wholly controlled by Philip and Charles V.