English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "agape" het veelvuldige betekenisse afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar van sy mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies:'n Griekse woord vir "liefde" wat dikwels gebruik word om 'n onbaatsugtige of onvoorwaardelike liefde te beskryf. 'n Soort godsdienstige liefde of toegeneentheid, wat dikwels gebruik word om die liefde van God vir die mensdom of die liefde wat gedeel word tussen lede van 'n godsdienstige gemeenskap te beskryf.'n oopmond, ontsagwekkende uitdrukking of gebare, dikwels gebruik om iemand te beskryf wat verstom of verstom is.'n Soort banket of gemeenskaplike maaltyd, wat dikwels in antieke Griekeland gehou word, waar gaste saam sou sit en eet.In Christelike teologie, 'n term wat gebruik word om die opening van 'n mens se hart vir God of vir ander te beskryf in 'n gees van vrygewigheid en liefde.

Sentence Examples

  1. Around the next bend, he stopped outside of a glass-walled observation room, his mouth agape at what he witnessed.
  2. Reggie Riaz was staring, eyes wide, mouth agape scared to death.
  3. It gazed hollowly at me with sockets devoid of eyes, toothless maw hanging slightly agape.
  4. Mouth agape, I look at him in disbelief with my palms against my cheeks.
  5. With mouths agape, they stared in awe at the floor of fire and wall of flame.
  6. The camera cut to the studio, the newscaster sitting behind a desk, mouth agape.
  7. The other two scrambled aside, their mouths agape in shock.
  8. The old man peered hard, smacking his lips a couple times, but it took only a second before his toothless jaw was agape.
  9. With mouth agape, her tongue hung to the ground as she panted to regain her breath.
  10. Agape, his lips brush the back of my hand, searing a sense of security and prickling warmth throughout my being.