English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bang" is om vrees of vrees te voel oor iets wat kan gebeur of wat as dreigend of gevaarlik beskou word.

Sentence Examples

  1. I recalled the first time I saw Abit, a lanky kid nervously pacing around the front of the store, afraid the new owner would throw out his chair and ban him from his perch near the door.
  2. Jordan was confident in his talent and voice and clearly not afraid to stand up for himself.
  3. I was afraid she might change shapes in front of me.
  4. She kept it low, hushed, as if afraid someone might overhear them even here.
  5. But I sensed something more sinister deep in the back of that cave and I was afraid a dark spirit might have attached itself to you, being an adolescent spirits tend to like teenagers going through emotional change.
  6. He had gotten caught up in the heat of the moment, and he was afraid he had said something truly hurtful, something that would deeply offend her.
  7. She was afraid the glass walls might crack at any moment, but she was too excited by the sights before her to let the fear take hold.
  8. Ally sat directly next to me, practically in my lap, like she was afraid if she sat too far away she might miss something exciting.
  9. Afraid to focus on any one part of him for fear that he would be moving before she could react, she darted several quick glances at the object in his hand.
  10. Well, it was really that I was afraid to like him.

TV Series Examples



There was nothing to be afraid of



but l'm afraid the same cannot



Why? What are you afraid of?



You're afraid of heights



Are you afraid that l'm dancing around



l'm afraid all the knights in King's Landing