English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "affiniteit" is 'n natuurlike voorliefde of aantrekking tot iemand of iets, of 'n ooreenkoms of verband tussen dinge of idees. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n hegte verhouding of band, veral in die konteks van gesin of huwelik.

Sentence Examples

  1. That was the earliest memory I have of my affinity with locks.
  2. AFTER BEING off the ice since February, it took a few steps before her natural affinity returned and Jessie could relax.
  3. Though she had no reason to believe he would have an affinity for the home they were supposed to share.
  4. Two, and even three days, have frequently been wasted in futile attempts to procure a sufficiency of hydrogen to fill a balloon, from which it had great tendency to escape, owing to its extreme subtlety, and its affinity for the surrounding atmosphere.
  5. True, the nature of a Great Wing was to have a natural affinity for man.
  6. There was no apparent link except a loose affinity with the war in the United States and perhaps with France.
  7. And no, I was not blind to the fact that this may have influenced my affinity with those in need of rescue.
  8. Apart from a whimsical affinity for white cotton socks, he always wore a black suit, black shirt, black tie and black Grenson shoes, and in every season except the summer, a long black Mackintosh.
  9. Khaly remembered the conversations they had about his affinity for mechanics, how he wanted to go to the Academy after his aptitude tests.
  10. Tom supposed the old man felt an affinity to him through Charlie Hickey.