English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "aanbevole" is iets wat as wys, verstandig of aanbeveel word om te doen. Dit impliseer dat 'n bepaalde handeling waarskynlik tot 'n positiewe uitkoms sal lei, en dat dit raadsaam is om dit te volg. Met ander woorde, iets wat raadsaam is, word geag die beste of mees geskikte opsie te wees, gegewe die omstandighede.

Sentence Examples

  1. We feel it advisable only to state, in brief, that the result desired was brought to pass and that the Prefect fulfilled punctually, although with reluctance, the terms of his compact with the Chevalier.
  2. The renegade repeated this to me, and I replied that I was very willing to do so but he replied that it was not advisable, because if they were left there they would at once raise the country and stir up the city, and lead to the despatch of swift cruisers in pursuit, and our being taken, by sea or land, without any possibility of escape and that all that could be done was to set them free on the first Christian ground we reached.
  3. I think, on the contrary, when people shut themselves up entirely from society, it is a very bad thing and that it is much more advisable to mix in the world in a proper degree, without living in it either too much or too little.
  4. Everything fell out as he wished Lothario awoke, and the two at once left the house, and Anselmo asked what he was anxious to know, and Lothario in answer told him that he had not thought it advisable to declare himself entirely the first time, and therefore had only extolled the charms of Camilla, telling her that all the city spoke of nothing else but her beauty and wit, for this seemed to him an excellent way of beginning to gain her good-will and render her disposed to listen to him with pleasure the next time, thus availing himself of the device the devil has recourse to when he would deceive one who is on the watch for he being the angel of darkness transforms himself into an angel of light, and, under cover of a fair seeming, discloses himself at length, and effects his purpose if at the beginning his wiles are not discovered.
  5. Time was getting on, however, and Franz deemed it advisable to awaken Albert but at the moment he prepared to proceed to his chamber, his friend entered the room in perfect costume for the day.
  6. Evidently, robberies of individuals on the street were somewhat common, so we were told that it was advisable to carry two wallets, one of which you could give up readily.
  7. Well-known for its sudden violence, the Highway was backed by a network of horrible lanes and alleys, into which it was not advisable to stray.
  8. I want to see you permanently well connected, and to that end it will be advisable to have as few odd acquaintance as may be and, therefore, I say that if you should still be in this country when Mr.
  9. I should like to go farther, and give reasons to show that it is advisable to choose those who are to hold so necessary an office in the state, but this is not the fit place for it some day I will expound the matter to someone able to see to and rectify it all I say now is, that the additional fact of his being a sorcerer has removed the sorrow it gave me to see these white hairs and this venerable countenance in so painful a position on account of his being a pimp though I know well there are no sorceries in the world that can move or compel the will as some simple folk fancy, for our will is free, nor is there herb or charm that can force it.