English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voordeel" is 'n toestand of omstandigheid wat 'n mens in 'n gunstige of voortreflike posisie plaas, veral in kompetisie of om 'n gewenste uitkoms te bereik. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n voordeel wat verkry word uit 'n spesifieke situasie of optrede, of 'n verbetering in 'n mens se posisie of status.

Sentence Examples

  1. They would expect her to exhibit all sorts of suspicious behavior if she were attempting to hide something, so even though it made her grit her teeth, she did her best to take advantage and play into their prejudices against her.
  2. But they had the advantage of the magicproof suits, and Kay was injured besides.
  3. Connor was taking advantage of his admirers these days.
  4. Had an immature student taken advantage of my distraction, or was the professor using me to express her frustration with the caller?
  5. He had no right to kiss her, no right to take advantage of the situation.
  6. Still, she was small and able to slip into tight nooks and crannies, which was a decided advantage.
  7. Pulling himself up in a fluid movement, he disappeared into his lodgings, and Cianne took advantage of the moment of privacy to mop her face with her sleeve.
  8. I took advantage of her weakness to get out the cuffs and clamp them around her wrists.
  9. Though I never intended to use magic again, I could at least use it to my advantage.
  10. This time, the blast shook one of my hands free, and the split-second advantage was enough for me to touch the communicator.