English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord beteken "vorder" gewoonlik 'n voorwaartse beweging of vordering in 'n spesifieke rigting of na 'n doelwit. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n toename of verbetering in iets.As 'n werkwoord kan "vorder" beteken om vorentoe te beweeg in 'n bepaalde rigting, om vordering te maak, om te bevorder of te verhoog na 'n hoër rang of posisie, of om geld of goedere uit te leen of te gee voordat dit verskuldig of verwag is.Boonop kan "voorskot" ook verwys na 'n betaling wat voor die tyd gemaak is of 'n gedeeltelike betaling wat voor die tyd gemaak is.

Sentence Examples

  1. A thicket of knotted bramble and dried brown bracken blocked her advance and she turned left to avoid it, passing within feet of him.
  2. Jack neatly sidestepped his advance, smacking the flat of his sword against the retreating backside, much to the delight of the onlookers.
  3. The ships have mutinied and turned on Northumberland, stopping his advance.
  4. She asked me to order some kind of bread she liked and gave me the money in advance.
  5. The effect of the last two sleepless nights had overtaken her and she was blissfully unaware that the advance party, which should have been led by Richard, had been overtaken by an impatient and overzealous young man.
  6. Fogg always knew whether he was behind-hand or in advance of his time.
  7. I will lead the advance as planned everything is as we agreed.
  8. A soft-shoed foot moved automatically before she winced at the memory of her last visit indecision delayed her advance.
  9. Wyatt, more cautious, motioned for his men to advance, and slowly they made their way towards London Bridge.
  10. Passepartout jumped at each advance but the Indian declined to be tempted.