English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aanbid" is om iemand innig lief te hê en te respekteer, om 'n sterk toegeneentheid of bewondering vir hulle te hê. Dit kan ook beteken om iemand of iets te aanbid of te vereer, veral as 'n godheid of voorwerp van godsdienstige toewyding. Daarbenewens kan "aanbid" gebruik word om entoesiasme of genot vir iets uit te druk, soos "Ek is mal oor sjokoladekoek."

Sentence Examples

  1. Here one curses her and calls her capricious, fickle, and immodest, there another condemns her as frail and frivolous this pardons and absolves her, that spurns and reviles her one extols her beauty, another assails her character, and in short all abuse her, and all adore her, and to such a pitch has this general infatuation gone that there are some who complain of her scorn without ever having exchanged a word with her, and even some that bewail and mourn the raging fever of jealousy, for which she never gave anyone cause, for, as I have already said, her misconduct was known before her passion.
  2. Here was a country forcing its cruelties onto its queen, whom they should adore with all their heart.
  3. I will not stand idle as the woman I adore is snatched from my arms.
  4. So, how could I love my home so much and not adore the pristine glory of the white sand beaches which make Hawaii such a tourist attraction?
  5. We told her they were her images and as well as he could the renegade explained to her what they meant, that she might adore them as if each of them were the very same Lela Marien that had spoken to her and she, having great intelligence and a quick and clear instinct, understood at once all he said to her about them.
  6. Tell me, the first time you tasted oysters, tea, porter, truffles, and sundry other dainties which you now adore, did you like them?
  7. Gone was the little mouse I used to know and adore.
  8. You run a successful business, even though things have been difficult at times, and your children adore you.
  9. One of these, as has been already said, was our deceased friend, of whom they say that he did not love but adore her.
  10. There were shops selling magic flutes, the goblin merchants proclaiming a single tune will make any listener instantly adore you.