English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "administreer" is om die uitvoering of toepassing van iets, soos 'n wet, beleid of prosedure, te bestuur en te organiseer. Dit kan ook verwys na die gee van 'n dwelm of mediese behandeling aan iemand, sowel as om in beheer van 'n organisasie of instelling te wees. Daarbenewens kan dit beteken om iets, soos kos of hulp, aan 'n groep mense af te lewer of te versprei.

Sentence Examples

  1. But we are content to have the queen administer the punishment.
  2. At any moment that soft, confidence-inspiring voice might break forth in a roar of wrath, that gentle and caressing hand transform itself into a vice-like grip to hold him helpless and administer punishment.
  3. You will find very few persons who will go and brutally thrust a knife in the heart of a fellow-creature, or will administer to him, in order to remove him from the surface of the globe on which we move with life and animation, that quantity of arsenic of which we just now talked.
  4. She wished him very well but he gave her pain, and his welfare twenty miles off would administer most satisfaction.
  5. She got to administer the hand of justice, and it was being brought down quickly and with finality.
  6. He opened his eyes finally when the faint nausea dissipated and allowed his Elite to administer healing magic to his cheek.
  7. This quantity, which is perfectly safe to administer to the paralyzed frame of M.
  8. Swearing and grumbling, he had recourse to the syndic of his brotherhood at Antibes, who administer justice among themselves and protect each other but the gentleman had exhibited a certain paper, at sight of which the syndic, bowing to the very ground, enjoined obedience from the fisherman, and abused him for having been refractory.
  9. There was no telling what unknown terrors were theirs, what unknown hurts they could administer.
  10. Gamut stood at his side, his meek head bared to the rays of the sun, while his eyes, wandering and concerned, seemed to be equally divided between that little volume, which contained so many quaint but holy maxims, and the being in whose behalf his soul yearned to administer consolation.