English to afrikaans meaning of

'n eikel is "die neut van die eikeboom wat gewoonlik in of omring word deur 'n harde houtagtige koppie van verharde skutblare". Dit is 'n soort vrugte wat deur eikebome geproduseer word en word tipies gekenmerk deur 'n ronde of ovaalvorm, 'n harde buitenste dop en 'n klein, gepunte punt aan die einde.

Sentence Examples

  1. He checked the sound of his captors then tried to twist his hands to the side so that he could focus on the acorn.
  2. The squirrel, who was a great hoarder herself, seemed to think this was an excellent plan and showed every sign of approval when Tarkyn pocketed the second acorn.
  3. Luckily he had a flash of inspiration and pointed first to the acorn and then to his pocket.
  4. He pushed the acorn inside his cheek and tried to act semi-conscious.
  5. The next challenge was incanting clearly enough without dropping the acorn.
  6. He felt around on the ground behind him and closed his fingers around an acorn.
  7. He thought hard then dropped the acorn and twisted himself around so that he could see it lying on the ground.
  8. They were a terrible mess, with dirt, leaves, and even an acorn clinging to them.
  9. The unfortunate consequence of this was that the squirrel disappeared briefly to return with another acorn.
  10. She sat there looking at him then, in an unmistakable gesture, offered him the acorn she held between her front paws.