English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "aknee" is 'n veltoestand wat gekenmerk word deur die teenwoordigheid van puisies, swartkoppies, witkoppies en ander vlekke op die vel, veral die gesig, bors en rug. Aknee word tipies veroorsaak deur ooraktiewe oliekliere en die opbou van bakterieë en dooie velselle in die porieë van die vel. Dit kan lig of ernstig wees en kan littekens of pigmentasieveranderinge veroorsaak as dit nie behandel word nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. She was about ten years his junior, and up close, he saw acne on her cheeks.
  2. I see the two sentences I was able to see in his dream, the references to alopecia and Mees lines, as well as notes about the acne, and the problems Dr.
  3. The two with guns stepped towards me and one of them, a guy with really bad acne, spoke in Vietnamese.
  4. Not only did that one carry with it like a scourge the stigma, the adolescent acne and complex-es of a newly fledged writer, but, as it was written to lead the dance, it also carried the stage fright from all eyes turned on it.
  5. He looked possibly sixteen, with a pasty face swarmed with acne and the beginnings of facial hair.