English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "akkuraat" is om korrek, presies of presies te wees in terme van meting, berekening of inligting. Dit impliseer dat iets vry is van foute, foute of teenstrydighede, en getrou is aan die feite of werklikheid. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n persoon wat 'n hoë vlak van aandag aan detail het en in staat is om presiese resultate te lewer.

Sentence Examples

  1. Were his partner an Intentionist, they could have worked together to create a much more accurate picture.
  2. The woodmen had been very accurate with the strength of their slingshot.
  3. Your Excellencies may, however, readily imagine that the confined regions hitherto unexplored within the limits of the Arctic circle, although situated directly beneath me, and therefore seen without any appearance of being foreshortened, were still, in themselves, comparatively too diminutive, and at too great a distance from the point of sight, to admit of any very accurate examination.
  4. The particulars furnished below may be relied on as authentic and accurate in every respect, as, with a slight exception, they are copied verbatim from the joint diaries of Mr.
  5. If they could paint more accurate pictures of animals in motion than we do today, what more might they have to share?
  6. If accurate, then plans are afoot to build a resort on the southern edge of La Quemada, one that cuts into the mountainside on land protected under the biosphere ruling.
  7. At least he hoped his feelings were accurate because this is how kids ended up going missing!
  8. Wheeling the heavier man round with a brutal grip on his shoulder, he had delivered an accurate and teeth-cracking punch.
  9. I leapt from my perch and made what I thought was an accurate boogeyman cry to startle the skunk.
  10. I now lamented that my great elevation would, in this case, prevent my taking as accurate a survey as I could wish.