English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "akkuraatheid" is die kwaliteit of toestand om korrek of presies te wees. Dit verwys na die mate waarin iets vry is van foute, foute of teenstrydighede, en hoe nou dit ooreenstem met die ware of beoogde waarde of resultaat. In die algemeen word akkuraatheid dikwels geassosieer met metings, data, berekeninge, waarnemings of beskrywings, en dit word gewoonlik uitgedruk as 'n persentasie, 'n verhouding, 'n afwyking of 'n foutmarge. Hoë akkuraatheid impliseer 'n hoë vlak van betroubaarheid, geldigheid en konsekwentheid, terwyl lae akkuraatheid 'n lae vlak van betroubaarheid, relevansie en konsekwentheid voorstel.

Sentence Examples

  1. A handful of soldiers in the distance reared back and hurled their spears with frightening accuracy, but they clattered off Hawke without slowing him in the slightest.
  2. I had now ascended to so vast a distance, that nothing could with accuracy be discerned.
  3. Some of the bigger lads like Enrique and Luis wielded the two-handed broadsword with deadly accuracy and power.
  4. Steel tipped, the wooden shaft loosed from the bow flew with deadly accuracy and tore into her neck as the mare turned her proud head towards the sanctuary of the trees.
  5. She looked down at the river and back at the display, contemplating its accuracy.
  6. He sent one more streak of power at the second wolf but by then, Waterstone had had time to regroup higher in the tree and his arrows struck the remaining wolves with fast, deadly accuracy.
  7. Crime fiction fans are sticklers for that sort of accuracy.
  8. They were perhaps the rarest of all Adepts, and Kila was under the cynical impression that no one wished to create a crime-fighting team with as much accuracy as would result from the pairing of an Intentionist and an Enforcer.
  9. For a moment I was too much amazed to think with accuracy.
  10. We practiced at the range for a while, Blake continuing to throw axes with scary accuracy while I struggled to get mine to hit the tree I was aiming at.