English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "volgens" is "op 'n wyse wat gepas is vir die besondere omstandighede; op 'n wyse wat geskik of gepas is; gevolglik." Dit word dikwels gebruik om aan te dui dat iets gebeur of gedoen word as gevolg van iets anders wat reeds genoem of vasgestel is. Dit kan ook beteken in ooreenstemming met iets, in ooreenstemming met iets of in ooreenstemming met 'n standaard.

Sentence Examples

  1. He accordingly invited his companion into a tavern which caught his eye on the quay.
  2. Accordingly, in less than a second, I felt all the blood in my body rushing to my temples, and immediately thereupon, a concussion, which I shall never forget, burst abruptly through the night and seemed to rip the very firmament asunder.
  3. It was decided that the guide should direct the elephant towards the pagoda of Pillaji, which he accordingly approached as quickly as possible.
  4. I lost not a moment, accordingly, in throwing overboard first my ballast, then my water-kegs, then my condensing apparatus and gum-elastic chamber, and finally every article within the car.
  5. Possessing his reasoning faculties in excited activity, at such times, and seeking his acquaintances with his wonted look and memory, he easily seemed personating only another phase of his natural character, and was accused, accordingly, of insulting arrogance and bad-heartedness.
  6. I accordingly went over to the plantation, and re-instituted my inquiries among the older negroes of the place.
  7. President Ayrwick, I mean your father, likes a hand-delivered copy of the weekly sporting event schedule each Friday, so he can plan accordingly.
  8. It was accordingly opened by those dignitaries upon the spot, and found to contain the following extraordinary, and indeed very serious, communications.
  9. So far from it, I still lay nearly level with the plane of the horizon for the change of situation which I had acquired, had forced the bottom of the car considerably outwards from my position, which was accordingly one of the most imminent and deadly peril.
  10. Fogg accordingly tasted the dish, but, despite its spiced sauce, found it far from palatable.