English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "oor" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks daarvan. Hier is 'n paar van sy mees algemene definisies:(bywoord) ongeveer; rofweg Voorbeeld: "Daar was ongeveer 20 mense by die partytjie."(bywoord) in die omgewing of omgewing van; rond Voorbeeld: "Ons het 'n uur lank in die park geloop."(voorsetsel) oor die onderwerp van; aangaande Voorbeeld: "Ek wil graag met jou oor die projek praat."(voorsetsel) wat gebruik word om beweging of aksie in 'n spesifieke rigting aan te dui Voorbeeld: "Hy het doelloos deur die kamer geloop."(bywoord) wat gebruik word om aan te dui dat iets voortdurend of herhaaldelik gebeur Voorbeeld: "Sy het heeldag daaraan gedink."(bywoord) wat gebruik word om aan te dui dat iemand naby of naby daaraan is om iets te doen Voorbeeld: "Ek was op die punt om te vertrek toe die telefoon lui."

Sentence Examples

  1. I shuddered thinking about the spelling bees of long ago.
  2. Thinking about the alternative scenario consistently brought me to tears.
  3. She was a fanatic about horoscopes, astrology, and numerology.
  4. Not to change topics, but I had a question about Abby Monroe.
  5. Nana D was the first to spill whatever was on her mind or laugh when others said anything negative about her.
  6. The last line I caught before she was out of range made me laugh, thinking about how far someone would go to demand a better mark.
  7. She called while I was putting on my face and wanted to know if your father had changed his mind about retiring.
  8. My father was passionate about keeping the authenticity of a traditional log cabin while my mom required all the modern conveniences.
  9. It sounded like the blogger was telling the truth about underhanded chicanery.
  10. I wanted to remind Derek-baby what people said about payback, but halfway through my witty comeback, he hung up.

TV Series Examples



And what do you care about our faces?



what Maester Luwin says about my legs?



- l know a story about a crow.



They can write a ballad about us -



l could tell you about Ser Duncan the Tall.



Tell me about Jon Arryn.