English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verlating" is die daad om iets of iemand agter te laat of op te gee sonder enige voorneme om terug te keer of die verhouding of aktiwiteit te hervat. Dit kan verwys na die daad om 'n persoon, plek of ding in die steek te laat, of op te gee op 'n projek, plan of doelwit. Die term word dikwels in wetlike kontekste gebruik om die daad van afstanddoening van eienaarskap of verantwoordelikheid vir eiendom of diere te beskryf. In die konteks van emosies, kan verlating verwys na 'n gevoel van verlate of verwaarloos word, wat aansienlike sielkundige nood kan veroorsaak.

Sentence Examples

  1. The most dreadful misfortunes, the most frightful sufferings, the abandonment of all those who loved me, the persecution of those who did not know me, formed the trials of my youth when suddenly, from captivity, solitude, misery, I was restored to light and liberty, and became the possessor of a fortune so brilliant, so unbounded, so unheard-of, that I must have been blind not to be conscious that God had endowed me with it to work out his own great designs.
  2. Once or twice, however, while I lived at the pond, I found myself ranging the woods, like a half-starved hound, with a strange abandonment, seeking some kind of venison which I might devour, and no morsel could have been too savage for me.
  3. Everybody was anxious to amuse the two queens, so as to make them forget this abandonment by son and husband.
  4. He would smite the man who had ordered his abandonment.
  5. Not after all these years of abandonment and solitude.
  6. Contrasting with these scenes of abandonment, there were large areas of land enclosed by concertina wire.
  7. The feelings of abandonment crept into my thoughts.