English to swahili meaning of

Ufafanuzi wa kamusi wa neno "tendril" ni viambatisho vyembamba, vinavyojiviringisha, kwa kawaida hutumiwa na mimea kujikimu kwa kujipinda kuzunguka vitu au mimea mingine. Tendrils mara nyingi hupatikana kwenye mizabibu ya kupanda au mimea mingine inayohitaji msaada ili kukua juu. Ni miundo inayonyumbulika, iliyozunguka ambayo inaweza kuzunguka vitu vilivyo karibu ili kusaidia mmea kujitengenezea na kufikia mwanga. Kwa maana ya kitamathali, neno "tendril" linaweza pia kutumiwa kufafanua kitu kinachofikia na kushika au kushikana, kama vile udadisi wa mtu au ushawishi wa kampuni.

Sentence Examples

  1. It looked like a tendril of mist at first, but its color was a shade darker, and it rose higher and faster than the hovering fog around it.
  2. Flesh was trying to grow from the blackened skeleton, but every time a tendril flashed out, the flames seared it away.
  3. She pulled every remote tendril back into herself and closed them all away, resting her mind in the solitude.
  4. Brooke thought she was alone as she walked back across the now empty courtyard, until she glimpsed the tendril of purple smoke.
  5. A viridian tendril, viscous and dotted with sparks of magic, drifted under the door and attached itself to the cloth.
  6. A coiling tendril of mist lanced from her outstretched fingers and caught up Kelaino, driving the Nymph to her knees.