English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "omboleza" ni kuhisi au kueleza huzuni au huzuni, hasa juu ya kifo cha mtu. Inaweza pia kumaanisha kuomboleza au kueleza huzuni nyingi au majuto juu ya hasara, kushindwa, au kukatishwa tamaa. Zaidi ya hayo, inaweza kurejelea kipindi cha muda ambacho mtu hushiriki katika maombolezo, ambayo kwa kawaida huwa na desturi au tabia za kuomboleza.

Sentence Examples

  1. There was no time to mourn over Tanyon, Nathe hurried them to the stable.
  2. Today they grow some wheat and mourn a dead economy.
  3. She was a total emotional wreck, so we gave her a lot of room to be upset and mourn.
  4. But she is a saint in heaven, sir and it ill becomes one whose foot rests on the grave to mourn a lot so blessed.
  5. In the case of this deed, more vicious than simple murder because it targets the spirit of a people, we who seek truth, peace and justice must mourn to our depths more than the loss of an innocent.
  6. It made Sara sick but now was not the time to mourn.
  7. Evil indeed is the man who has not one woman to mourn him.
  8. By this time to-morrow you will, please God, have passed them, and have drunk of the sweet waters so do not mourn overmuch.
  9. Here one curses her and calls her capricious, fickle, and immodest, there another condemns her as frail and frivolous this pardons and absolves her, that spurns and reviles her one extols her beauty, another assails her character, and in short all abuse her, and all adore her, and to such a pitch has this general infatuation gone that there are some who complain of her scorn without ever having exchanged a word with her, and even some that bewail and mourn the raging fever of jealousy, for which she never gave anyone cause, for, as I have already said, her misconduct was known before her passion.
  10. Better that he have a moment to mourn his choices.

TV Series Examples



And who would mourn poor Varys then?