English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "familiar" inaweza kutegemea muktadha ambamo linatumika. Hapa kuna fasili chache zinazowezekana:(kivumishi) Inajulikana kutoka kwa uhusiano wa muda mrefu au wa karibu; wa karibu Mfano: Anafahamu sana eneo hilo, ameishi huko kwa miaka mingi.(kivumishi) Si rasmi au kirafiki, mara nyingi hadi kufikia hatua ya kukosa taaluma. Mfano: Toni iliyozoeleka ya mwalimu kwa wanafunzi iliwafanya wahisi raha.(nomino) Roho isiyo ya kawaida au pepo anayepaswa kusaidia wachawi na wachawi. Mfano: Mchawi alimwita mtu anayemfahamu ili kumsaidia kwa spelling yake.(nomino) Mtu au kitu ambacho hupatikana mara kwa mara katika eneo au muktadha fulani. Mfano: Paka wa jirani walikuja kuwa vitu vya kawaida kwenye matembezi yetu ya asubuhi.(nomino) Rafiki wa karibu au mshirika. Mfano: Wenzangu wamekuwa watu wanaonifahamu kwa miaka mingi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Even the people who thought the idea of travelling to another universe was awesome would ultimately pick Earth, the familiar, in the end.
  2. Reaching the corridor I needed, I paused, looking out for the familiar figure.
  3. She was about to turn away from the inn, and its macabre image, when a familiar face stepped out of its door.
  4. I attempt one long breath and exhale, feeling some semblance of tension remove when suddenly, that familiar buzz arrives.
  5. I kissed her cheek, and my body flooded with an unusual yet familiar warmth.
  6. She wore matching silk gloves, and the turn of her wrist struck him as familiar.
  7. There was something oddly familiar about those eyes.
  8. Few foreigners were familiar with the fighting style native to his homeland.
  9. When Lach had begun bringing the glass trinkets back for her, she had quickly determined that they made perfect additions to her practice regime, adding new challenges to familiar routines.
  10. But my fingers found the familiar cracks between brick and metal, and a gentle push made the fake part of the wall slide away, revealing cold metal.