English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "DNA" ni kama ifuatavyo:DNA (nomino): Fupi la deoxyribonucleic acid, molekuli ambayo ina maelekezo ya kijenetiki muhimu kwa ukuaji, ukuzaji, utendaji kazi na uzazi wa viumbe vyote vilivyo hai. DNA ni muundo wa helikali wenye nyuzi mbili unaofanyizwa na vitengo vya nyukleotidi, kila kimoja kikiwa na molekuli ya sukari, kikundi cha fosfeti, na mojawapo ya besi nne za nitrojeni: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanini (G), au thymine (T). Mlolongo maalum wa besi hizi pamoja na molekuli ya DNA huunda kanuni za maumbile, ambayo huamua sifa na sifa za kiumbe. DNA hupatikana katika viini vya seli na hutumika kama mchoro wa usanisi wa protini, ambazo hufanya kazi mbalimbali za chembe hai. DNA mara nyingi hujulikana kama "vifaa vya kujenga maisha" na ni molekuli ya msingi katika uwanja wa jeni na biolojia ya molekuli.


  1. desoxyribonucleic acid
  2. deoxyribonucleic acid

Sentence Examples

  1. The material embedded within the bracelets actually encodes itself somehow with our DNA.
  2. Yes, a primal urge for survival integrated in his DNA.
  3. There was no sparing them, though the virus only affected human DNA.
  4. At the three-day mark, infected males stopped being human beings when their DNA mutated to allow a new species to rapidly evolve.
  5. Their DNA was so enhanced that their bodies adapted to the threats hurled against them.
  6. No such luck for the humans turned into vampires by the DNA scramble of Ascension.
  7. Alden Thorpe, started experimenting with stem cells and DNA, mixing human and various animal strains.
  8. The two of us bore an uncanny resemblance to each other, but that had been explained to us as simply a byproduct of the fact that we were both subjects of the same batch of mixed stem cells and DNA.
  9. To protect themselves, Light hid within the female DNA.
  10. Was it an environmental factor, or more plausibly, multiple factors, that spontaneously altered our DNA, which in turn woke up portions of our sleeping minds?