English to swahili meaning of

Coriander ni nomino inayorejelea mmea wenye harufu nzuri (Coriandrum sativum) katika familia ya iliki, asili yake kusini mwa Ulaya na magharibi mwa Asia, ambayo hulimwa sana kwa majani na mbegu zake. Neno hilo pia linaweza kurejelea mbegu zilizokaushwa za mmea wa korianda, ambazo hutumiwa kama viungo katika kupikia.


  1. chinese parsley
  2. cilantro

Sentence Examples

  1. To the right he could see the gathering from Coriander.
  2. And, of course, the succulent slices of the Yule Boar, which had been basted in wine with garlic, coriander and other spices as it roasted over a spit, filling the room with its delectable aroma.