English to swahili meaning of

Maana ya kamusi ya neno "karibia" ni kuja karibu au karibu na mtu au kitu kilicho mbali au wakati, kuwasiliana au kuwasiliana na mtu, au kuanza kushughulikia au kuzingatia shida, kazi, au hali kwa njia fulani. Inaweza pia kurejelea njia ya kufanya au kufikiria juu ya jambo fulani, au njia au njia ya kufikia lengo au matokeo fulani. Zaidi ya hayo, "njia" inaweza kutumika kama nomino kurejelea tendo la kukaribia au karibu, au njia fulani au njia ya kushughulikia tatizo au kazi.


  1. access

Sentence Examples

  1. I have adopted a measured and reasonable approach in certain passages of exposition, mindful that I am not judge and jury.
  2. As I approach the sweeping hairpin at the village edge, a party of cyclists, taking up the whole road, pant their way towards me.
  3. As I approach Maddox he turns his gaze to me and his smile fades.
  4. I approach a discrete reception area to my right and ask for the office of Lolita Pluma.
  5. Before long the traffic thickens and we approach the neat cuboid dwellings of Tahiche.
  6. I ignore him and approach each switchback in the same manner.
  7. I organized my approach before he walked back and handed me my paperwork.
  8. I approach, giving the couple a wide berth, not wanting to startle Kathy.
  9. Sintian leaned against the archway, blocking their exit, arms crossed and smiling at their approach.
  10. Kila had lingered at the station, wondering if the chief might approach him, but she had done nothing more than nod in his direction when she also left.