English to somali meaning of

Macnaha qaamuuska ereyga "qaraxu" waa tamar degdeg ah oo xoog leh, oo inta badan ay la socoto qaylo dheer iyo soo saarista qashinka ama qaybaha. Waxa kale oo ay tilmaami kartaa korodhka degdega ah ee cabbirka ama xoogga, sida qarax korriinka dadweynaha ama qaraxa fikradaha goobta hal-abuurka ah. Erayga waxaa loo adeegsan karaa meelo kala duwan, sida qeexida qarax kiimiko, qarax foolkaanooyin, ama qarax dareen.


  1. burst

Sentence Examples

  1. I shriek as an explosion of pleasure overtakes my entire being.
  2. Wrath consumed him, he turned back to join the fight, but before he could another explosion rocked the foundations and a second avalanche smashed into the castle.
  3. He remembered their group had been separated by the explosion during the battle.
  4. An explosion of light burst from the center and spread outward to the stone arch.
  5. Tarensen waded through them frantically, spotting Sintian on a flight of stairs ahead, running towards the scene of the explosion.
  6. Hours later, I still lay tossing and turning when a sharp pain pierced my head and was followed by an explosion of bright colors and scattered black dots.
  7. She raised her head at the sudden squawking explosion.
  8. A predatory howl preceded an explosion of barks that reverberated around the alley.
  9. When the morning dew settled and the clear blue sky broke over town, the officers felt the remnants of the thundering clash of the motel explosion.
  10. By the time they had travelled up to the explosion only the motionless bodies of Elijah, Emillia and Jed remained.