English to persian meaning of

معنای فرهنگ لغت "غضبناک" عبارت است از: به نحوی که نارضایتی شدید از چیزی را که ناعادلانه، توهین آمیز، توهین آمیز یا پست تلقی می شود، بیان می کند. با خشم، رنجش، یا خشم عادلانه.

Sentence Examples

  1. Edmond then resolved to try Jacopo, and offered him in return for his attention a share of his prize-money, but Jacopo refused it indignantly.
  2. The crowded mirror of the Horican was gone and, in its place, the green and angry waters lashed the shores, as if indignantly casting back its impurities to the polluted strand.
  3. The Senator huffed indignantly and stormed off the stage, his mic ripped from his jacket as he moved away.