English to persian meaning of

به عنوان یک فعل، "تگرگ" می تواند معانی مختلفی داشته باشد:(آب و هوا) به صورت توپ های یخ کوچک و یخ زده سقوط می کند. مثال: "بیرون می آید!"برای احوالپرسی یا تحسین مشتاقانه. مثال: "هنگامی که خواننده روی صحنه رفت طرفداران از او استقبال کردند."برای صدا زدن یا علامت دادن به (فردی) که بیاید، معمولاً با فریاد. مثال: "او از کنار جاده تاکسی گرفت."به عنوان یک اسم، "تگرگ" به بارش به شکل گلوله های کوچک و یخ زده اشاره دارد. یخ.

Sentence Examples

  1. I told Carolyn not to be surprised if it began to hail since we had experienced hail several times over the past months.
  2. But they went down in a hail of blows from, their skulls crushed from the blows of the heavy bar.
  3. Murdock released another mind as the body fell under a hail of bullets.
  4. GANDALIN, SQUIRE OF AMADIS OF GAUL, To Sancho Panza, squire of Don Quixote SONNET All hail, illustrious man!
  5. Within thirty seconds, we began to hear the pitter-patter of hail as it bounced off the car.
  6. She took a moment to watch the children run to their fathers while a few of her men raised a flagon of mead to hail her name.
  7. It was cut down before it reached them, dropping to the ground in a hail of bullets.
  8. The cuts, thrusts, down strokes, back strokes and doubles, that Corchuelo delivered were past counting, and came thicker than hops or hail.
  9. The hail had been severe and had accumulated so much that it looked like snow on the ground.