English to nepali meaning of

सन्दर्भको आधारमा "टाउ" शब्दका धेरै अर्थहरू छन्। यहाँ यसका केही शब्दकोश परिभाषाहरू छन्:खेलमा खेल्ने टुक्राको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिने सानो, गोलो, समतल संगमरमर।पातलो बनाउन प्रयोग गरिने छालाको काम गर्ने उपकरण र फिनिसिङ लेदर।दक्षिणपूर्व एशियाको हल्का रङको हिरण, जसलाई मलायन ताव पनि भनिन्छ।"टो" शब्दको द्वन्द्वात्मक रूप, जसको अर्थ छेउको अंक हो। खुट्टाको।यो ध्यान दिन लायक छ कि "टाव" धेरै सामान्य शब्द होइन, र मार्बलको खेलको सन्दर्भ बाहिर धेरै मानिसहरू यससँग परिचित नहुन सक्छन्। p>


  1. shooter

Sentence Examples

  1. After setting those two bones aside, she tossed her taw again, higher this time.
  2. As she expected, Sully easily gathered the bones and caught the taw for a successful turn.
  3. Sully tossed his taw up and scooped a pair of bones before catching the taw.
  4. Gripping the taw in her left hand, Lyra tossed the other four bones.
  5. She tossed the taw up and scooped one of the bones before catching the taw with the same hand.
  6. However, when she tried to catch her taw, she was too late and it hit the floor.
  7. Sully tossed his taw upward, scooped up the cluster of three bones, and caught the taw.