English to nepali meaning of

"स्टलिङ" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ प्रगति गर्न रोक्नु हो। ढिलाइ वा प्रगति वा कार्य अवरोध गर्न; प्रगति, विकास, वा कार्यान्वयनमा अवरोध वा ढिलाइमा आउन। यसले जानाजानी ढिलाइ वा निश्चित जवाफ दिन वा निर्णय गर्नबाट जोगिन पनि सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ। थप रूपमा, उड्डयनमा, "स्टलिङ" भन्नाले एउटा विमानले लिफ्ट गुमाउँछ र त्यसको गति धेरै ढिलो भएको वा यसको आक्रमणको कोण धेरै उच्च भएकाले खस्न थाल्छ भन्ने अवस्थालाई जनाउँछ।


  1. stall

Sentence Examples

  1. She was stalling, but the shaping helped calm her nerves.
  2. Icy eyes surveyed me from head to toe, stalling a few moments on my messy, wet hair before settling on my face.
  3. He carefully sipped the hot coffee, stalling for time to compose an answer.
  4. Finally, with no more excuses for stalling, I pushed myself off the bench and went to grab a ball.
  5. She looked away to avoid stalling the stiff-faced servant.
  6. He takes a gulp of his coffee and gazes out the window, stalling.
  7. Jack said the elevator down was the same effect as stalling an airplane.