English to nepali meaning of

"अण्डा" शब्दलाई यसरी परिभाषित गरिएको छ:चरा र विशेष गरी साधारण घरेलु कुखुराले उत्पादन गरेको कडा खोल प्रजनन शरीर; पनि: यसको सामग्रीहरू खानाको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ।आकारमा अण्डा जस्तो देखिन्छ; विशेष गरी: अंडाकार वा गोलाकार शरीर।एउटा सेल वा क्याप्सुल आकारमा अण्डा जस्तो देखिन्छ।अण्डाको सामग्री।सानो सानो गोलाकार वस्तु आकारमा अण्डासँग मिल्दोजुल्दो।डिम्ब।स्लैंग: एक व्यक्ति जो धेरै अनुभवहीन वा भोली छ: ग्रीनहर्न, रुकी।

Sentence Examples

  1. The rays met the peaks of deep, blood red mountains that encircled the egg.
  2. For instance, if you want a brown egg, then your best choices would be something like a Rhode Island Red, a Wyandotte, an Astralorp, or Orpington.
  3. The customary dome of the Trajan style was cracked open like an egg, the building itself overgrown with dead vines and crusted with mold, but it looked sturdy.
  4. A single yellow eye dotted its head and its tail and Rune turned the egg upside down.
  5. She had a giant egg on the front of her head where she hit the steps.
  6. It was some sort of scrambled egg mixture with seasoned vegetables.
  7. Inside, nestled in red Eastern silk, an egg gleamed in the light.
  8. She pulled the plate to her and took a bite of the egg dish.
  9. Ten minutes later, I sat at a corner booth at the Pick-Me-Up Diner and devoured my ham and cheese egg white omelet with avocado on the side.
  10. Like the butterfly who as an egg, pupa, or caterpillar cannot see where its future will be, we must trust our path and our story.