English to nepali meaning of

"पोशाक" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो:(विशेषण)लपडा लगाउने, विशेष गरी निर्दिष्ट प्रकारको। उदाहरण: उनले जागिरको अन्तर्वार्ताको लागि स्मार्ट सूट लगाएका थिए।सजाइएको वा सजाइएको। उदाहरण: केकमा आइसिङ र फलफूलले राम्रोसँग लुगा लगाइएको थियो।(क्रिया)कसैको लुगा लगाउनुहोस्। उदाहरण: उनले छिट्टै लुगा लगाइन् र घरबाट बाहिर भागिन्।निर्दिष्ट तरिकाले सजाउनुहोस् वा व्यवस्थित गर्नुहोस्। उदाहरण: उनले टेबल कपडा र फूलहरू लगाएर टेबुलमा लुगा लगाइन्।सफा, तयार र पकाउनुहोस् (खाना, विशेष गरी कुखुरा वा माछा)। उदाहरण: शेफले माछालाई लुगा लगाएर खाना पकाउन तयार पारे।

Sentence Examples

  1. Most wore a blue uniform, whilst some dressed in white.
  2. Although she always dressed well and drove a nice car, she had no air of wealth or attitude about her.
  3. Smiling, Brooke got dressed, applied a little make-up, made sure her hair covered her ears, and was ready to go.
  4. I dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved top, leaving my combat boots by the door.
  5. I showered and dressed while my mother heated dinner, then headed downstairs to offer help.
  6. She was dressed to the nines and had the silliest grin on her face.
  7. I returned home, showered, and dressed for the event.
  8. A young man of medium height and dressed in red tunic and trousers stood before them.
  9. As he dressed, Evan observed his bedroom in daylight for the first time.
  10. Brooke smiled back, dressed all in blue now she was an Apprentice.