English to nepali meaning of

"डिस्कनेक्ट" शब्दको शब्दकोश अर्थ दुई चीजहरू बीचको जडान वा लिङ्क तोड्नु वा तिनीहरू बीचको सञ्चार वा शक्तिको प्रवाहमा अवरोध गर्नु हो। यसले दुई चीजहरू बीचको समन्वय वा निरन्तरताको कमीलाई पनि सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ, जस्तै कुराकानी वा घटनाहरूको श्रृंखला। सामाजिक वा भावनात्मक अर्थमा, यसको अर्थ कसै वा केहिबाट टाढा हुनु वा अलग हुनु हो।

Sentence Examples

  1. There was a disconnect, a distance between us, especially when I was the shopkeeper.
  2. He changed his mind and thumbed the disconnect button.
  3. The bizarre disconnect between the feeling of moving and the lack of visual feedback was somewhat sickening and not helped in the least by my knowledge of what lay just to the side.