סקייטבורד הוא קרש צר עם גלגלים בכל קצה שעליו רוכבים על ידי עמידה עליו ודחיפתו יחד עם הרגל. סקייטבורדים משמשים בדרך כלל לפעילויות תחבורה או פנאי כגון סקייטבורד, ולעתים קרובות משמשים לביצוע טריקים או פעלולים.
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Sentence Examples
He snatched up his skateboard and sullenly moved up the rise to Llamrei, petting her gently around the snout.
He paced nervously back and forth like a caged tiger, flipping his skateboard from hand to hand.
Carefully, eyes pinned to the armory before him, he dropped slowly off the horse, allowing his skateboard and backpack to fall to the ground unnoticed.
Lance hung back, skateboard in hand, as always, and paused to straighten the pile, much to her amazement.
He lugged a bulging, ratty-looking backpack in one hand and an old skateboard in the other.
Lance retrieved his skateboard and stared at the knight, uncertain what to do next.
The skateboard flew from his grasp and clattered to the concrete.
He dropped to the carpeted floor of the limo, reached under the seat, and grabbed his skateboard.
Erin waved her tiny hand at me before she set it to the pavement and pushed herself along on her skateboard.
The other boys remained with their backs against the wall, but the one that spoke stood next to Adal, holding the skateboard that had put him on his back to begin with.