English to hebrew meaning of

כפועל, "לחזור" פירושו ללכת או לחזור למקום, מיקום או מצב קודמים. המשמעות יכולה להיות גם לתת, לשלוח או להחזיר משהו למקומו או לבעליו המקוריים.כשם עצם, "החזרה" יכולה להתייחס לפעולת החזרה או חזרה למקום או למצב קודמים. . זה יכול להתייחס גם לרווח או הכנסה שמתקבלים מהשקעה או מעסק, או מסמך המדווח על רווחים כאלה או מסכם עסקאות פיננסיות. בנוסף, זה יכול להתייחס למעשה של הגשת משהו לרשות, כגון החזר מס.


  1. reappearance

Sentence Examples

  1. By the time they finished telling me about the new diner, I had to return to campus to teach my last class before the big announcement about the new president.
  2. Striker explained that the scratch on his arm was from Carla when they had a fight about his return to academic probation.
  3. She planned to scan and enter them into the student system for me, then return them to my desk, so I could deliver them to the class the following week.
  4. The side-effects of using fire element had left his skin cold to the touch, but as his sorcery recharged Evan felt heat return, spreading gradually up through his arms and into his chest.
  5. Upon recovering from her worries, my mother walked toward the cable car to return to North Campus.
  6. Plus, I desperately wanted to return to that cave.
  7. Upon informing Derek that I needed to return home for a family obligation, he generously suggested adding extra days to relax before everything exploded at the network, then assigned me to interview his latest source.
  8. Then I remembered dropping them off with Siobhan to photocopy, enter into the grading system, and return to me before classes next Monday.
  9. Joe waits patiently for us to return so he can shoot the springs without interruption or people.
  10. This way he could almost forget his paranoia, just focusing on getting stronger, not only for the trial, but for the return of his hunters.

TV Series Examples



So tell your wife to return



First we must return to Casterly Rock



Shall we return to the khalasar, Khaleesi?



She was forced to return to the castle



l will return to Winterfell



Allow me to return the courtesy.